When we ask donors, "How did you hear about our organization?" The most common listed source is other people. Most potential donor families have heard about us from their OB/GYN provider or midwife, childbirth educators during tours and classes, and nurses when they arrive at labor & delivery. Word of mouth is our largest reference and we ask kindly that you continue to spread the word about us to everyone that you know. While you may not know expectant families, your friends and family members might know of some and you can share the gift of life by passing the word on.

  • Based on our patient survey (which began in March of 2011), mothers have given us the following feedback on their experiences with donating their umbilical cord blood to Hawaiʻi Cord Blood Bank

  • "Donating cord blood is so simple and it ends up being discarded and wasted anyway. I figured since I am not going to privately store my baby's cord blood why not donate it and it could help save lives. It is safe, it's simple, and the thought of helping someone in need is worth it. A good value that I can instill in my son about helping others."

  • "To possibly help save the lives of others; I can't see discarding something valuable that could potentially be put to good use for someone else."

  • "No second thoughts - Especially when it's simple, easy, and convenient to do. Happy to help someone else at any time!"

  • "We are on a bone marrow registry and preferred to have our baby's cord blood potentially be used to save someone else's life. We are both of mixed ethnicity, and we would hope that the registry would be able to assist us or our family members if the need ever arose."

  • "The purpose of the program is to help save lives. I believe that is worth trying."

  • "There are so many families out there that could be a match. It felt great to donate a possible gift of life."