Support Our Cause

Hawaiʻi Cord Blood Bank has been very fortunate to be a recipient of many generous grants and donations from various community supporters throughout the years. If you or someone you know would like to help support our mission of increasing patient access to transplant, please use the following links below to consider making a monetary gift to our organization.

The story below is provided by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP).

Sosa’s Story

Sosa received a double cord blood transplant for sickle cell disease when she was 12 years old. “When I was little, there was no cure for sickle cell,” Sosa said. “I didn’t know if I’d live to be 18.” Cord blood transplant gave Sosa hope and led to a cure. Now she’s 20, in her final year of college with plans to pursue a career in medicine. “Thanks to the people who donated their baby’s cord blood, I got a second chance at life. I was reborn,” said Sosa.

HCBB Supporters

The founding and piloting of this "home grown" program was made possible by strong financial and other support from local sources. A large portion of the initial funding was provided by private donations. The Hawaiʻi Cord Blood Bank owes a special debt of gratitude to Mrs. Emily O. Castle, whose generosity and commitment allowed the program to become a reality.

Monetary Gift

Your support will help our day to day operations in collecting, processing, and storing donated cord blood stem cells from Hawaiʻi. It gives us greater ability to reach potential donor families, communicate effectively with our volunteer collection staff, and improve current processes. Click button below to make a donation through PayPal or support us via mail.


Designate us at Aloha United Way. Select "Agency/Program Support" and locate Hawaiʻi Cord Blood Bank (80560) as your program to support!

Your support will make an impact, give today.